
It is 十大网络彩票平台大全's goal to support the healthy choices of its students related to alcohol/drug use.

咨询中心, 与Residence Life合作, 为学生提供有关酒精和其他毒品的教育, 工作人员, 和老师. Students who are experiencing issues related to alcohol/drug use are encouraged to schedule a consultation/assessment with 咨询服务. 这些服务是免费和保密的. Referrals to outside agencies are available if ongoing treatment is needed for Alcohol or Other Drug Abuse/Dependence.

学生被发现违反 十大网络彩票平台大全的酒精政策 are mandated to attend education in order to continue in their academic and/or athletic 项目, 在某些情况下, 以维持他们的学生身份.

The University encourages students and other members of the University community to assist when help is needed. 这在因酒精和/或药物使用而引起的医疗紧急情况中最为重要. 学生应报告因酒精或药物使用而出现的医疗紧急情况.

Students should not hesitate to seek help because of fear of disciplinary action. An individual who actively seeks help for an intoxicated or under the influence student will not, 在大多数情况下, 在大学司法程序下因寻求帮助而被起诉, 由大学自行决定.

寻求帮助的人被定义为一个或几个人, who actively seek help in an incident for fear or concern of someone's safety and or welfare.


Sexual and domestic violence happens in every community and affects people of all genders, 比赛, 和年龄.  Sexual abuse and domestic violence are some of the most under reported crimes for a variety of different reasons. 举报这些罪行是个人的决定.

The following information and resources can help support you in making a decision that is right for you. 


The term 性侵犯 refers to the sexual contact or behavior that occurs without explicit consent of the victim.


虽然同意的法律定义可能因地点和情况而异, the general concept is always the same: Consent is an ongoing process of discussing boundaries and what you’re comfortable with.

“同意”是参与人就进行性活动达成的协议. 同意应明确和自由地传达. A verbal and affirmative expression of consent can help both you and your partner to understand and respect each other’s boundaries.

未成年人不能表示同意, 醉酒的因毒品或酒精而醉酒或丧失行为能力的, 或睡着或失去知觉. 如果某人在恐吓或威胁的压力下同意一项活动, 这并不被认为是同意,因为这不是自愿的. 不平等权力动态, 比如与雇员或学生发生性行为, 也意味着同意不能自由地给予.



当您安全时,请立即就医. 这是恢复的第一步.  拨打911 描述一下袭击或强奸.

Do not shower or bathe: this will interfere with the collection of important forensic evidence.  出于同样的原因, do not wash any clothing – including underwear – that was worn during the assault or rape.  把衣服放在纸袋里(不是塑料袋)是可以的。.  当911接线员接到你的电话, 如果你没有受伤, a police officer will transport you to the 费城 Safety Collaborative (300 E. 狩猎公园大道.费城; 215-425-1625); this is where PSARC (费城 Sexual Assault Resource Center) and the police department’s Special Victims Unit (SVU) are located.  如果你以前把衣服放在纸袋里,一定要把它带来.

除了拨打911,您还可以拨打SVU (24/7: 215-685-3251),并在没有警察提供交通的情况下前往那里.  报告不是通过电话接收的.  SVU and PSARC operate 24/7; they help victims/survivors day and night.

如果你受了重伤,去医院解释发生了什么.  The hospital will call 911 to ensure that the above occurs when your health status is stable.

在特殊受害者小组,你会被要求描述一名警探的遭遇.  We strongly encourage survivors to do this: it is often another step of recovery. 

A specially trained PSARC nurse will conduct a 性侵犯 exam that assesses your health and any injuries.   法医证据的收集也会发生.  可能会给予急救和药物治疗, 护士会解释有关性病的重要信息, 生育控制, 以及医疗后护理. 

在许多情况下,WOAR倡导者可能会在PSARC提供亲自支持.  如果无法安排,WOAR倡导者将通过电话跟进.



家庭暴力是指故意恐吓, 物理攻击, 电池, 性侵犯, and/or other abusive behavior as part of a pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner or cohabitator against another.



强奸,虐待 & 乱伦国家网络) 是全国最大的反性暴力组织吗. RAINN创建并运营全国性侵犯热线(800.656.希望; online.RAINN.org)与超过1人合作,000 local 性侵犯 service providers across the country and operates the DoD Safe Helpline for the Department of Defense. 该组织还开展预防性暴力的项目, 帮助幸存者, 确保罪犯被绳之以法.


妇女反强奸组织(WOAR) 组织与幸存者合作, 他们的亲人和他们的支持网络来支持治疗, 找到他们的声音, 了解创伤的影响,找到茁壮成长的方法.

沃恩提供 free victim and trauma therapy services to children and adults who have experienced sexual violence这包括性虐待, 性骚扰, 强奸/约会强奸, 通过乱伦来治愈性创伤. 性创伤发生在昨天还是40年前并不重要. WOAR服务于任何经历过性创伤的人. 24小时短信热线: 215-985-3333. The 工作人员 and volunteers are highly trained Sexual Assault Counselors and/or Master’s prepared Counselors.


  • 咨询服务/治疗资源
  • 受害者的宣传
  • 性侵犯资源
  • 法院及法律资讯

费城性侵犯应对中心(PSARC) was established in 2011 to meet the forensic and medical needs of 性侵犯 victims who are 16 years of age and older. PSARC是一家私营公司, not-for-profit center whose mission is to provide expertise in the assessment and evaluation of 性侵犯 victims in 费城. 所有的服务都在一个私有的, medical office setting located adjacent to the Special Victims Unit of the 费城 Police Department. 这种独特的环境允许私密,保密,以受害者为中心的护理.

该中心的工作人员是24/7,随叫随到,经过专门培训和经验丰富 性侵犯护士长(SANE) who provide forensic rape examinations and evidence collection to both females and males. 工作人员 are all highly-trained and compassionate nurses with years of experience in the care of sexually assaulted patients.

PSARC works closely with the 费城 Police Department's Special Victims Unit, 费城地方检察官办公室, 费城 Center Against Sexual Violence (formerly 妇女组织起来反对强奸 or WOAR), and the 费城 Sexual Assault Advisory Committee to provide a survivor-centered approach to 性侵犯.


宾夕法尼亚反家庭暴力联盟(PCADV) is a statewide collaborative membership organization committed to ending intimate partner violence and all forms of violence against women. PCADV提供有关虐待和倡导的帮助或信息.


反对虐待妇女组织 平均出场11次,在过去的五年里,通过持续的创伤知情护理,帮助了500人, 以及社区教育和宣传. 提供的服务包括住房援助, 咨询, 经济和就业支持, 以及法律信息.

可以得到帮助! 拨打全市24小时费城家庭暴力热线(1-866-723-3014)进行危机干预、安全规划、资源和转介. 所有电话都是免费的,保密的,匿名的.

Hotline counselors can help connect you with free services in the 费城 area, 包括紧急住房, 法律服务, 行为健康服务和其他资源.

当这个选项比打电话更安全时,还有一个聊天热线. Loved ones of those affected by domestic violence can also call to find assistance with helping their loved one.

Chat service is a safe and private way to connect with a 反对虐待妇女组织 advocate. 网络聊天每天中午12点开始.m. - 8 p.m.

网络聊天是端到端加密的, which means that only you and the advocate you're chatting with can read the contents of the messages being sent. 当你完成了你的网络聊天, it is a good idea to clear your computer's history and erase your computer’s cookies. 这将防止任何人查看您的互联网活动.


十大网络彩票平台大全 is committed to providing a workplace and educational environment, 还有其他好处, 项目, 和活动, 不受歧视, 骚扰, 和报复.